Armira Danielle Nance

> Introduction

Hi, my name is Armira Nance and I created this website to prove that I'm a person! I'm currently a junior at Carleton College in Minnesota. Recently, I declared Computer Science as my major and Women's and Gender Studies as my minor, though I was incredibly close to being a Religion major, given my interest and appreciation for religious studies and understanding how religion is intricately weaved into the fabrics of even the most seemingly secular people, places, and things. If you want to find out more about me, use the navigation bar to find different pages related to my interests. Thanks for stopping by! :)

> Activities

I do a lot of things. I sing songs (alone and with others), I write essays (usually for my courses, but I'm working on changing that), I program (also generally in an academic capacity, but I've had a few really cool jobs during which I coded for compensation rather than grades), and I play a few instruments (although this definitely depends on your definition of "play" and is a highly subjective claim), among other things.

Fun fact: I've kept a running list of things that I wanted to be at some point before I got to college. So far we have (in no particular order): a cheerleader, a pediatrician, a wrestler (WWE, of course), a mail lady, a mail truck operator, a lawyer, an information systems manager, a sports medicine doctor, Hannah Montana, a sports medicine doctor, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a teacher, and a cybersecurity specialist.


Q1: How is your name pronounced?
A1: Armira is pronounced similar to how you'd say the words "car", "near", and "flood". If you removed the proper characters, you'd end up with "ar-MEER-uh". Nance is pronounced like the word "dance" if "dance" started with an "n".

Q2: Is this actually a Q&A if the only question is about your name?
A2: Well, now I have two questions, so I'm confident this satisfies the Q&A criteria now.

Feel free to email me more questions and I'll update them here. :)

> Contact Me

You can reach me a number of ways. For example, you can check out my LinkedIn page or you can take a peek at my GitHub.

You can also email me personally or through my Carleton email.

Friendly, Non-Monetary Tip: If you email my student (Carleton) email or LinkedIn, it's likely you'll get a speedier reply, as I receive those notifications on my phone.