> Snippets of Essays and Other Papers I've Written That I'm Proud Of
1. Centering Liberation Theologies Around Poverty (page 1)

> This essay is an analysis of points made by Ivan Petrella regarding what is a justifiable and somewhat more global aspect of people's identities on which we can base discourse around Liberation Theologies. (Email me for the full text.)

2. Historical Racism As It Applies to Liberation Theologies: A Critique (pages 1 and 2)

> In this text, you'll find a response to an earlier essay I wrote -- which you can find above -- in which I take a stance on points made by Ivan Petrella regarding his idea of a proper basis for Liberation Theologies. (Email me for the full text.)

3. How Should We Understand Liberation Theologies? (pages 1 and 2)

> How exactly should we understand liberation? What are Liberation Theologians saying about it? Through my analysis of these questions and previous responses to them, I aim to revisit the question of what;s the "right" way to think about Liberation Theology and apply it to the real world. (Email me for the full text.)

4. Agency As Resistance Through Self-Governance And Implicit Power (page 1 and some of page 2)

> Through this analysis of a day's reading in an upper-level religion course, I examine one woman's agency and the way in which, because of its relationship with her, it's inherently implicit. (Email me for the full text.)